Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Subtitles

6.0 10 4314
Actor: Zoe Margaret Colletti, Michael Garza, Dean Norris, Gil Bellows
It's 1968 in America. Change is blowing in the wind...but seemingly far removed from the unrest in the cities is the small town of Mill Valley where for generations, the shadow of the Bellows family has loomed large. It is in their mansion on the edge of town that Sarah, a young girl with horrible secrets, turned her tortured life into a series of scary stories, written in a book that has transcended time-stories that have a way of becoming all too real for a group of teenagers who discover Sarah's terrifying tome.
  • English Language:
  • tt3387520 IMDB Code:
  • 09 Aug 2019 Released:
  • Dan Hageman (screenplay by), Kevin Hageman (screenplay by)Writer:
  • André ØvredalDirector:

Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Trailer:

How to add Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark YIFY Subtitles to your movie

Before you can add any subtitle file to any movie, you must make sure the exact SRT file for the particular movie format is downloaded from the right source. Below are the steps to add to any movie player you are using to start.
  • While installing SRT of the movie, for example, Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark English Subtitles, download and copy to the downloaded file to the exact file location of the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark movie on your mobile phone or personal computer or television.
  • After copying to the same file location, the movie might play alongside the subtitles without any further settings or configuration.
  • If step two above didn’t solve the problem, then after opening your preferred movie player and movie is ready to be played. Select option or tools, then click on subtitles then add the just downloaded Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark subtitles to the player from its location, and it should start displaying right away.
  • And better still, if you are viewing with VLC on your Pc, you can easily drag and drop the SRT file over the playing movie, and it should work correctly.

All subtitles:

Subtitles rated good Not rated
Rated Language Release Name Uploader
English GoldenBeard
English Princes_Fieva
English GoldenBeard
English GoldenBeard
English hadilan
English hadilan
English GoldenBeard
English GoldenBeard
English GoldenBeard
English GoldenBeard
English GoldenBeard
English GoldenBeard
English Princes_Fieva
English sajujb
English sub.Trader
English sub.Trader
English Princes_Fieva
English GoldenBeard
English GoldenBeard
English hadilan